hexahedron ex:cube, triangular dipyramid, triangular deltohedron, pentagonal pyramid
rectangular prism
7 faces
A spherical polyhedron is a dodecahedron with 12 faces
A sphere is not a polyhedron because it has no edges, no vertices and no flat faces The word 'polyhedron' means many faces.
It is a polyhedron with two congruent faces: nothing more, nothing less. That can change if several additional conditions are required of the polyhedron.
rectangular prism
It's a cube.
A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.
a cube, for example
7 faces
There cannot be such a polyhedron since it does not satisfy Euler's criterion.
The answer is a polyhedron
A pentagonal pyramid.
No, they are the faces of the polyhedron.