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Radius = about 13cm

Diameter = about 26cm

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Q: What is the radius and diameter of circle area 530.66cm2?
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Does the area of a circle treble if the diameter trebles?

No. The area of a circle is 3.142 x radius x radius (radius is half the diameter).

How do you find the radius and diameter of the circle if you know the area?

Area of Circle = pi (radius)2 So , using this formula we can find the radius and also the diameter. Diameter = 2(radius)

How do you find a diameter of a circle?

If you have the circumference: circumference = (pi) * diameter diameter = circumference / (pi) If you have the area: area = (pi) * radius * radius radius = square_root(area / pi) radius = diameter / 2 diameter = 2 * square_root(area / pi)

How do you work out the area of a circle with only the diameter?

By dividing the diameter by 2 will give the circle's radius. Area of any circle = pi*radius squared.

If area of circle is 100pi what is the diameter?

If area of circle is equaled to 100pi what is the radius?

What is the formula for a circle radius r?

Area of a circle = pi*radius2 Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Diameter of a circle = 2*radius

Do you need a diameter or a radius for the area of a circle?

Yes because the area of a circle is pi*radius squared

A circle of a radius has 15find the diameter and area?

diameter is 15 area of the circle is... 706.5 if im not mistaken

What is the diameter and area of a circle?

the diameter of a circle is defined by the largest length from one side of the circle to the other side of the circle. the area of a circle is equal to pi(3.14) times the radius squared. the radius is equal to half of the diameter.

What is the are of a circle if the diameter is 32 in?

The area of any circle is (pi) x (radius)2 .The radius is 1/2 of the diameter.

What is the area of a 9Cm diameter circle?

A circle with a radius of 4.5Cm has an area of 63.62Cm2

Find diameter when you only have area of a circle?

pi*radius2 = area of a circle radius2 = area/pi radius = square root of (area/pi) diameter = 2*radius