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Plot area

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Q: What is the rectangular area bound by the category and values axis?
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What is the difference between chart area and plot area?

The plot area is the rectangular area bounded by the the maximum and minimum values of the variables. The chart area also includes the chart title, the axis labels and values, the key or legend.

What is the difference between the chart area and plot area in excel?

The plot area is the rectangular area formed by the axes. The chart area is bigger and includes the title, the axes labels and values and the key (in its default positions).

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

Surface area of rectangular pyramid?

Suppose that the area of the rectangular base is: lw then if the height is: h the surface area is: lw + lh + wh I believe that formula is for the surface area of a rectangular prism...

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Surface area of rectangular prism?

surface area of a rectangular prism is the formula: 2lw+2wh+2lh

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Given the surface area of a rectangular prism, there are infinitely many rectangular prisms possible.

What is the suface area of a rectangular prism?

The suface are of a rectangular prism is the area of each face added together for a total.

Formula for area of a rectangular prism?

The formula for the area of a rectangular prism is A= 2(wL+hL+hw). A refers to area, w is the width of the prism, h refers to height, and L is the length of the prism.

A rectangular prism has a volume of 90cm3 the area of the rectangular prism is 45cm2. What is the height of the rectangular prism?

2 cm

A rectangular prism has a volume of 90cm3 the area of the rectangular prism is 45cm2 What is the height of the rectangular prism?

2 cm

What is the suface area of a rectangular prism when l60 w24 h5?

i think it is that when a person asks what is the area of a rectangular prism you give them the answer