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The paint.

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Q: What is the rectangular area under the basket called?
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Related questions

Can an offensive player can stand under the basket until they receive the ball?

No, any player standing within the "paint", or rectangular area directly in front of the basket, can be charged with a 3 second violation for standing in front of the basket for too long.

What is the rectangular area that contains messages on the computer?

I not totally sure what "rectangular area" you're talking about, but I think it is probably called a "dialog box."

A rectangular boundary around a specific area on the display is called?

a conic section

What is the playing area in modern fencing known as?

The long rectangular strip is called a piste.

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

Surface area of rectangular pyramid?

Suppose that the area of the rectangular base is: lw then if the height is: h the surface area is: lw + lh + wh I believe that formula is for the surface area of a rectangular prism...

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What is the area under the stomach called?

The area under the stomach is called the hypogastrium or the lower abdomen.

What are the dimensions of two rectangular prisms with the same surface area?

Given the surface area of a rectangular prism, there are infinitely many rectangular prisms possible.

What is the area of Basket Swamp National Park?

The area of Basket Swamp National Park is 28.2 square kilometers.

IN BASKETBALL What is the meaning of in the paint?

There is a rectangle under the basket on the court. That area is considered the paint, and obviously any points scored in that area would be considered 'points in the paint.'

What is the suface area of a rectangular prism?

The suface are of a rectangular prism is the area of each face added together for a total.