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The circumference of a circle divided by its diameter is equal to the value of pi.

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Q: What is the relation between circle and pi?
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Why is pi used in every circle formula?

By definition Pi is the relation between the radius and circumference of a circle.

What is the relationship between the area and the radius?

In relation to the area of a circle: pi*radius^2

What is the relation between pi and circle mathematically?

A circle's circumference when divided by its diameter is the value of pi which is an irrational number because it can't be exactly expressed as a fraction.

What is the circumference of an 10.5 inch circle?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter

Relation of pie With circle?

The value of pi for any circle is the circle's circumference divided by its diameter.

How is pi in relation to a circle?

Pi is related to the area and the circumference of the circle. The area is Pi multiplied by the radius of the circle squared and the circumference is Pi times the diameter of the circle. if you're wondering how it works, pi is the area of a circle with radius of 1 (unit), and the circumference of a circle with a radius of ½ (unit).

What is the difference between circle and Pi?

This is PI, pi = 3.14159265...... A circle is the round thing, like your pies! The area of a circle is measured using (Pi)(radius to the power of 2). Circumfrance of a circle is (Pi)(Diameter of circle).

What is Pi and who invented or discovered Pi?

Pi is the relationship between the diameter and the circumference of a circle.

What is relation between pie and circle?

It is pi, a letter in the Greek alphabet, and pronounced like pie. This infinite value, usually expressed as 3.14 or sometimes more accurately as 3.1416 is the ratio of the diameter (distance across) a circle, and the circumference (distance around) a circle. The diameter times pi equals the circumference, and the circumference divided by pi gives the diameter. Also, the radius (half the diameter) times itself and then multiplied by pi gives the area inside a circle. The value of pi is the same regardless of the size of a circle.

What is the relationship between and pi?

pi X diameter = circumference of the circle.

What is the relation between arc and circle?

An arc is a part of the circumference of a circle.

How is pi related to the sun?

Pi is the ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. The Sun is also round - like a circle.