it is called a seven sided shape in Canada
An five sided shape is called a Pentagon
a 69 sided shape is called a sexagon
A 90 sided shape is called Enneacontagon.
A 128-sided shape is called a hecatoicosioctagon.
The mailbox was invented in 1892 by George E. Becket. It was called a house door letter box at that time.
There is a product out there called Bird-Deter that is specifically designed for use on a mailbox. It is a very simple design but it keeps birds off of a mailbox with harming them in any way.
That shape is called a cylinder.That shape is called a cylinder.That shape is called a cylinder.That shape is called a cylinder.
Well, honey, making a wooden mailbox ain't rocket science. Get yourself some wood, nails, a hammer, and maybe a saw if you're feeling fancy. Cut and nail that wood together in a mailbox shape, slap on a roof to protect those precious letters from the rain, and voila! You've got yourself a wooden mailbox fit for a suburban king or queen.
form_title= Mailbox Post form_header= Personalize getting the mail with a unique mailbox. What type of mailbox do you want? *= _ [50] Do you want to replace an existing mailbox?*= () Yes () No What size do you want the mailbox?*= _ [50]
a shape is called a shape in mathematics
Mailbox = Briefkasten
The Mailbox was created in 2000.
Community → My Private Mailbox.
Yea Miley Cyrus has a mailbox. Who in the world don't have mailbox?
To redirect an email is to have it "forwarded" in a way, but not entirely...For example, let's say mailbox A sends and email to mailbox B. You can redirect any messages that go to mailbox B to be redirected automatically to mailbox C. When an email is sent to mailbox B, it will automatically be re-directed to mailbox Z, and the sender will still show as mailbox A, without involving mailbox B when mailbox Zwants to reply to or forward the message.