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In a right circular cone the base is a circle and the sloped side is a sector of a circle. For a general cone, they are an ellipse and a sector of an ellipse.

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Q: What is the shape of sides of a cone?
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Related questions

How many sides does a cone shape have?

2 sides, the base and the cone.

What shape has no sides?

A Circle if you mean 2d circle, 3d sphere =P Any continuously curves shape has no sides; ellipse (ellipsoid), cone, hyperbolic paraboloid...

Is a cone a cylinder?

No, it is not. For a cone, think of a standard ice-cream cone shape (or a witches hat) - a circular top OR base (but not both), which has sides coming off that taper into a point. Whereas a cylinder has a circular top AND base, (like the shape of baked bean cans), with sides joining both top and base.

Can a conical shape have flat sides?

yes, it can. if you realisee, the cone has a bottom part, opposite to its tip, it is flat.

Is a cone triangle in shape?

no stupid because one has got faces(3d) and the other has sides(2d)

How many sides that a cone have?

A cone only has a base, no sides

What is a cone shape in your classroom?

what is a cone shape in your classroom what is a spheres shape in your classroom

What is a shape whose base is circular and who sides tamper up to a point?

A cone would fit the given description

Can a cone-shaped mountain form?

Cinder-cone volcanoes are built by thick lava that is thrown high into the air and falls as chunks or cinders. These mountains form as a cone shape with narrow base and steep sides.

What shape is a construction cone?


Is the cone shape a circle and triangle?

Neither. A cone is a cone.

What is a small volcanic mountain wih a narrow base and steep sides?

A volcanic mountain with a narrow base and steep sides is typically called a volcanic cone or a cinder cone. These cones are formed from explosive eruptions that eject mostly tephra and volcanic ash, resulting in their characteristic steep shape.