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Q: What is the shape of the bases for the following polyhedron?
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What is a shape that is a polyhedron has 2 triangular bases and the other bases rectangles?

A triangular prism.

What polygon that connects with the bases of a polyhedron?

There is no specific name nor a specific shape for such a polygon.

What polygon connects with the bases of a polyhedron?

There is no specific name nor a specific shape for such a polygon.

What is a polyhedron with no bases?

A non polyhedron with 0 bases is a sphere.

Does a polyhedron have only one base?

Yes, a polyhedron is only made up of one base which is bordered by straight lines. Each face is in fact a polygon, a closed shape in the flat 2-dimensional plane made up of points joined by straight lines.

How is a shape a polyhedron?

A polyhedron is a 3-dimensional shape whose faces are all polygons.

What is a polyhedron that contains 0 bases?

A polyhedron has only polygonal faces and any one of them can be considered a base. Therefore a polyhedron with 0 bases cannot exist.

What does a polyhedron?

A polyhedron is a geometric shape. It does not have the capability of doing anything.

Is a trinagle a polyhedron shape yes or no?

no it's a polygon not a polyhedron

Is A Polygon An Polyhedron?

Nope - A polygon is a flat, 2-dimensional shape. A Polyhedron is a 3-dimensional shape.

What does polyhedron mean in Greek?

It is Greek for "having many bases".In geometry, a polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid formed from flat planar faces with straight edges. For a regularpolyhedron, each side has the same shape and dimensions.

What polyhedron that 8 faces and the faces shape is equilateral triangle?

The answer is a polyhedron