side of a building called
The longest side of a triangle is called the Hypotenuse.
For a nine side polygon its called a nonagon.For a nine side polygon its called a nonagon.For a nine side polygon its called a nonagon.
The opposite side of the palm is called either llaw or bys.
The side of a book is called the spine. It is the edge of the book where all the pages are connected, and the title of the book is often printed on it.
The cover
no but go to Mexico the east side and their is a copy
The town in the Catskills in the book "My Side of the Mountain" is called Delhi.
its called the verso, and the right hand side is called the recto
It is called the verso. The right side page is called the recto.
When double entry for both side of cash books appears that type of transaction is called contra entry as in double column cash book entry for receiving or paying cash in bank or from bank requires entry on debit as well as credit side of cash book.
Yes. It is called Jessica Rules The Dark Side.
its called egg because primrose and david arent always sunny side up!
a Laggon maybe or I'm wrong .ask a scientist that you and is a friend or look in a book.
Yes. He even wrote a book called I Beat the Odds: From Homelessness to The Blind Side and Beyond.
Depends on what side, the left side is called the left side and the right side is called the right side