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A quadrilateral is a 4 sided closed shape, like a square or rectangle.

There's also a rhombus (tilty, squished square), diamond, parrallelogram, and many others.

As long as it has 4 sides and is closed, it's a quadrilateral.

Quad means 4.

Every quadrilateral has 4 angles inside, as well as 4 sides.

An easy example is a square, or rectangle. Pick up a textbook if you're having trouble visualizing, or draw a square on a piece of paper.

Squares (and rectangles) have four 90 degree angles.

4*90 = 360 degrees in a quadrilateral.

Side note: The sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees.

What about shapes with 5 sides... 6 sides... or more? Do you think a 5-sided shape will have 360 degrees in angle sums? More or less?

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Q: What is the sum of all angles in a quadrilatiral?
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