551000 square kilometers
32,000 square miles are 82,880 square kilometers. Scroll down to related links and look at "Conversions of area (surface) units".
The County of Riverside has a total land and water area of 18,915 square kilometers. The land area is 18,667 square kilometers while the water area is 248 square kilometers.
The surface area of Mars is approximately 144,798,500 square kilometers. The equatorial radius is about 3,396 km and the polar radius is 3,376 km.
The total area of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is 243,610 square kilometers.
Jupiter's surface area is 23,700,000,000 square miles (61,400,000,000 square kilometers). Jupiter's diameter is 88,800 miles (143,000 kilometers).
Jupiter's total surface area is 61.42 billion km²
The surface area of Jupiter is approximately 23,713,907,537 square miles.
Jupiter has a surface area of approximately 23.7 billion square kilometers. It is the largest planet in our solar system and its surface area is more than 120 times that of Earth.
Jupiter's surface area is 24,007,700,000 square miles.
Jupiter's surface area is approximately 614.2 million square kilometers. However, it is important to note that Jupiter is a gas giant, so it does not have a solid surface like Earth.
The moon has a surface area of about 37.93 million square kilometers.
Iraq has a total surface area of approximately 437,072 square kilometers.
France has a surface area of about 220,668 square miles (571,530 square kilometers).
25,740 square kilometers.
According to NASA, the surface area of the moon is approx 37,932,000 square kilometres. .
Earth's surface area is approximately 510 million square kilometers.