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Elements de Geometrie ( elements of geometry)

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Q: What is the textbook on geometry that is over a hundred years old?
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This became the textbook on geometry for over a hundred years?

"Elements of Geometry", a re-working of Euclid's book, became the leading geometry textbook for almost 100 years.

This book became the textbook on geometry for over a hundred years?

"Euclid's Elements" is the book that became the standard textbook on geometry for over a hundred years. Written by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, it laid the foundation for the study of geometry and served as the primary textbook on the subject for centuries. Its systematic approach and clear presentation of geometric principles made it an enduring work in the field of mathematics.

What french mathematician penned the elements de geometrie in 1794 which he clarified much of euclid work which became the textbook of geometry for over a hundred years?

French philosopher and mathematician René Descartes introduced a method of representing geometric figures within a coordinate system in his treatise Discourse on Method published in 1637. Yes but the answer to this question is LEGENDRE.

Who father of geometry?

The "Father of Geometry" is generally regarded as Euclid, a Greek mathematician who lived around 300 years before Christ. He wrote a book called "Elements" which set forth the basic principles of mathematics, especially geometry, and showed how most mathematical problems could be solved using only a couple dozen basic rules. "Elements" was the principal mathematical textbook in the Western World until the late 1800s - a span of over 2,000 years.

What is Euclid of Alexandria famous for?

the use of a deductive system...which is extremely hard to explain....Euclid is referred to as the Father of Geometery. Teachings from Euclid's book Elements has been used as the main textbook for mathematics, including geometry, for over two thousand years.

How many line segment are labeled in geometry?

Over the years, probably millions of them.

Who started geometry?

Euclid is the person credited with the invention of geometry. However the first uses of geometry are recorded to be over 5 thousand years old near the Indus Valley.

What is someone a hundred years or older called?

Someone who is a hundred years or older is commonly referred to as a centenarian.

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Who was rostam and what did he do over a period of three hundred years?

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Where did geometry originate from and how?

Geometry has always been with us since the birth of the Universe and it was mankind who worked out its geometrical features over the past thousands of years. Geometry stems from a Greek word meaning land or Earth measurement.