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how can you figure out the volume is multiplylling the L times W times the H or figuren the form of the shape.

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Q: What is the volume of a figure?
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Related questions

What is the space inside a figure called?

It depends on the type of figure. If it is a 2D figure, then it is called area. If it is a 3D figure, then it is called volume.

How do you find a volume of a L-Shaped figure?

An L shaped figure is a plane figure and so will not have a volume.

How can you find out if a figure has the same volume?

By comparing the volume given to each figure.

What is the space occupied by a solid figure?

It is the volume of the figure.

What is the formula for surface area and volume?

That depends on the figure whose surface area and volume you're finding. You could try a Google search for "volume of [figure name]" or "surface area of [figure name]".

Volume of a oval?

Zero. It is a plane figure and so has no volume.

What is the formula of retangle for volume?

A rectangle is a plane figure and has no volume.

What does shape have to do with volume?

The volume of a figure depends on the kind of shape it has.

Method used to figure the volume of an irregular shaped object?

method usede to figure the volume of an irregular shaped object

What is the formula for volume in a rectangle?

The formula is: [ Volume = 0 ].A 'plane figure' has no volume. That's any figure that you can draw on paper,and those can't hold water. It takes volume to hold water, and volume takesthree dimensions.

Volume for a pentagon?

A pentagon is a two-dimensional geometric figure and therefore has area but not volume. To have volume, a geometric figure must have height or thickness as well as its plane dimensions.

How do you figure the length of a cube if you know the volume?

Cube root its volume