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A rectangular prism 3 inches by 2 inches by 6 inches has a volume of 36 cubic inches.

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Q: What is the volume of a rectangular prism that's 3 inches by 2 inches by 6 inches?
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What solid figure has the most vertices?

triangular prism i don't if thats right somewhere else, but if you're from connexus its rectangular prism. Improved answer: I sense confusion between the question and the reply. A triangular prism has six vertices. An infinite amount of solid objects have more vertices. The question "Which solid figure has the least vertices" is probably the intended question, in which case the answer is a tetrahedron or spheroids. The tetrahedron has four vertices, the least number a solid with only planar surfaces can have. Of course any number of solids have no vertices, like the sphere and other spheroids.

Is 7.5 inches on hard good for a 15 year old?

thats above average but compared to mine, 7.5 is a tic tac ;)

How do you measure a line segment in inches?

Use a ruler, place one end at 0 and where ever the other end is, thats how long the segment is. GOOD LUCK!

How do you work out surface area?

this method works for any shape which is 3-D first find the formula of the shape lets say a cuboid (rectangular block) or known as rectangular prism its formula is H x W x L (Height x Width x length) lets say H=4 and W=30 finally L=15 15 x 30=450 so add 450+ 60+120=630 15 x 4=60 times it by two =1260 now minus the first number you got 4 x 30= 120 and there is your answer 1260-450=810 Answer=810 This was from the book bond Assesment book paper 4 question 25 thats how you work out Surface Area

How do you get the circumference out of the area?

you divide by pi (3.14) then take the square root, then multiply by 2 and multiply by pi (3.14) that order i.e. if you have a circle with area of 314 square inches, you take the 314 and divide by get 100...then you take the square root of get 10...then you multiply by get 20...then you multply by get 62.8 inches...thats the circumference of a circle with an area of 314 square inches

Related questions

What is the formula for finding the depth of a rectangular prism?

Find the height. I believe thats how you solve it.

What is the difference between a prism and acube?

a cube is a square thats 3-D, you cant call a triangle thats 3-D a cube! you call it a prism, pay attention in class

What soild has triangular faces?

a triangular prism, a pyramid, uh thats all i can think of.

How many inches is a king cobra?

about 32 inches thats my guess

What is the definition of a oblique prism?

Oblique Prism is your mommy. Thats not very nice thing to say young man 100 day detention with MR Wire

How many inches is a spoon?

about 4 inches, well thats how how many inches my spoon is., or maybe 5 inches

How does density of a depend on its mass and volume?

thats easy its your mom

Convert yards to inches?

# of yards / 36 thats all it is

Saying that a marble has a volume of 8 ml is an inference?

Thats an inference

What solid figure has the most vertices?

triangular prism i don't if thats right somewhere else, but if you're from connexus its rectangular prism. Improved answer: I sense confusion between the question and the reply. A triangular prism has six vertices. An infinite amount of solid objects have more vertices. The question "Which solid figure has the least vertices" is probably the intended question, in which case the answer is a tetrahedron or spheroids. The tetrahedron has four vertices, the least number a solid with only planar surfaces can have. Of course any number of solids have no vertices, like the sphere and other spheroids.

Why is there 12 inches in feet?

Thats the way the conversions work. Its like asking why does 36 inches equal 1 yard. (if it does) :/

Would you measure the width of a stream by inches or yards?

Your mom thats the measurment