If its in the shape of a sphere its volume is 696.909703 or 697 cubic mm to the nearest cubed mm.
Volume = 4/3*3.41*33 = 122.76 cubic cm
48First of all, you must have meant cubic feet (volume) not square feet.The area of a 2 ft. diameter pipe is 2*2*Pi/4 = Pi = 3.1416 sq.ft.The volume = area*length = 3.1416*12 = 37.6991cu.ft."Diameter" implies a round pipe.
Measure its diameter.
diameter = circumference/pi = 12/pi inches
if 4 foot is the circumference then the diameter is 4/pi = 1.27323954
Not enough information has been given such as the height of the flask.
The volume is 4.19 cm3
The round bottom flask is used frequently for distillation.
If the diameter is 150 mm and the height is 1,000 mm then the volume is 17,671,000 mm3
The volume of a 300mm diameter by 600mm deep cylinder is: 42,412,000 mm3
Depth x Diameter-squared x 5.9 = Volume in Gallons
The weight of a 100mL round bottom flask can vary depending on the material it is made of. A typical 100mL glass round bottom flask weighs approximately 100-150 grams.
Conical flask, round bottom flask..
even distribution of heat
Volume = pi*32*8.6 = 243.2 cubic cm
A florence flask (also known as a boiling flask) is a type of flask. It is a piece of laboratory glassware. It can hold chemical solutions. The flask has a round body with a long neck. The flask usually come in volumes of 1 liter. It is similar in shape and function to a round bottom flask. See the Web Links and Related Questions to the left for more information.
108.4 square feet