A trust angle is not an obtuse angel, not an acute angle, not a right angle, or any other kind of angle I can imagine. So therefore it must be some new species of angle that has some how evolved, as Darwin's Theory thusly applied to modern math would have us believe... And why do people still believe Darwin? <><><> Is it possible you mean THRUST angle? If so, you are the victim of a question being in the wrong category- math, instead of automotive. THRUST angle refers to a form of wheel alignment on a vehicle- rather than simply aligning each tire in relation to the lines of the frame, the tires are aligned to an imaginary line of the thrust applied to the frame. Ordinary alignment is good in theory, but thrust angle alignment has tires aligned for a real world setting. Perhaps a REAL mechanic can improve my layman's definition.
A right angle is a angle with 90o
what angle does a hemisphere have what angle does a hemisphere have what angle does a hemisphere have
So basically , you have an right angle and another angle . You draw an right angle over the angle your looking at and if its smaller than the right angle then its an acute angle . If its bigger than the right angle then its a obtuse angle . GoodLuck!(;
A 190 degree angle is a reflex angle.
Thrust angle is the direction that the rear wheels are pointing in relation to the centerline of the vehicle.
thrust angle
On a ships propeller shaft, the thrust will be in line with the axis of the shaft.
A thrust fault is a reverse fault with a shallow angle. It occurs when compressional forces cause the hanging wall to move up and over the footwall along a low-angle fault plane. Thrust faults are common in areas undergoing mountain-building processes.
the thrust stage has the audience on three sides so everyone would see the actors at different angle
the thrust stage has the audience on three sides so everyone would see the actors at different angle
No. A thrust fault is a reverse fault with a dip angle of less than 45 degrees.
the thrust stage has the audience on three sides so everyone would see the actors at different angle
The 'angle of incidence ' of the rotor blades and blade speed.
maximum thrust is obtained.