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A zero conditional is a structure used to speak about general truths, containing an "if" clause. For example:

"If it rains, the ground gets wet."

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Sandra Lehner

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Q: What is zero conditional?
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What is a zero conditional?

A zero conditional is a structure used to speak about general truths, containing an "if" clause. For example: "If it rains, the ground gets wet."

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An unconditional goto is a goto that has no associated conditional expression. The following example demonstrates conditional and unconditional goto statements. int x=rand(); if (x) goto label_1; // conditional goto (when x is non-zero) else goto label_2; // conditional goto (when x is zero) label_1: // ... goto label_3; // unconditional goto (jump past label_2) label_2: // ... label_3: // ...

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A conditional verb is something like:Should have done thisWould have done thatThat's what I have heard.I think there are no conditional verbs but there are conditional sentences. egIf it rains we will get wet.The conditional clause begins with if and the main clause begins with we.The event in the main clause depends on the condition in the conditional clause.

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The conditional statement in foxpro is DID YOU GET IT