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Q: What jobs would I use Isometric projection?
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The relationship between isometric projection and orthographic projecton?

the relationship is complicated.. you should use google to find it

Who would use isometric drawings?

architects property designers

What map would a sailor use?

The Mercator projection is the standard for nautical navigation.

What kind of map projection would you use to show the size of various land masses?

Equal-Area projection

Which type of map projection would you use to study Australia?

You would likely use a conformal map projection, such as the Mercator projection, to study Australia due to its accuracy in representing shapes and angles. It would be beneficial for preserving the shape of the continent and for navigation purposes.

What is the difference between iso and oblique drawing?

Isometric Drawing: keeps the scale the same along each axis of the drawing, use mostly in engineering. Oblique Drawing: is a type of parallel projection of an object to give it a sort of 3D effect on paper, a much simpler form of drawing.

What type of map projection would you use when searching for a plateus?


How do you use isometric in a sentence?

You must do isometric exercise daily in the morning. It is a type of joint and ankle exercise.

Can you use the word isometric in a sentence?


What is the disadvantage of using isometric drawings?

v Orthographic drawingØOrthographic drawings are orthographic projection drawings. These can be drawn at first angle projection and third angle projections.ØI am going to explain orthographic third angle projection drawing because I use them.ØIf I want to draw orthographic third angles projection drawing I have to follow some rules.ØThese rules are:ØThe view from the front is in the middle.ØThe view from the left is on the left.ØThe view from the right is on the right.ØThe view from the top is on the top.ØThe view from the bottom is on the bottom.ØThe view from the rear/back is on the far right.Example of orthographic third angle projection.Orthographic drawing advantageOrthographic drawing disadvantageEasy to recognized /read and understand by engineers.Hard to recognized by other people then engineers.Doesn't looks like at all to real design/picture.

Can animals use astral projection?

No one and nothing can use astral projection. It is a fantasy, a fiction.

If you were not given isometric graph paper what technique could you use to approximate the proper isometric angles in order to complete an isometric sketch?

You can use a method called the box method. turn graph paper diagonally and draw lines that way as well if that helps you