Oh, dude, angles in the letter E? Like, let me break it down for you. The letter E has three angles - two acute angles and one obtuse angle. So, next time you're doodling E's in your notebook, just remember, it's got some angles going on. Cool, right?
theres only one. A right angle
The letter "w" has three acute angles.
Right angles which are 90 degrees
Two corners, three vertices, four angles.
Right angles of 90 degrees
Right and straight
theres only one. A right angle
There are no right angles in the letter "e".
There are 3 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles in the letter A.
The capital letter E has no acute angles but it does have right angles.
right angles and straight angles
Probably E - since it has four right-angles.
What kind of question is that!
right (90˚) and 180˚ angles
The letter "w" has three acute angles.
Right angles which are 90 degrees