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Linear inches is a measurement that combines length, width, and height into a single total. To find the individual dimensions, you would need to know how the item is shaped. If it is a rectangular prism, you could solve the system of equations using the formula for linear inches: length + width + height = 62. Without additional information, it is not possible to determine the exact length, width, and height.

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Because it is simply a linear measurement it has one dimension. Therefore it has no width or height.

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Q: What length width and height is 62 linear inches?
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What is 45 linear inches in regular inches?

114 centimeters are 44.8818897638 inches. Forget "linear". All inches are a linear measure of length. Scroll down to related links and look at "Inches - feet - yards - millimeters - centimeters - meters". Linear inch is a fantasy word from the airliners. It means: X linear inches = length + width + depth (measured in inches). Inches are still inches.

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height + width + depth = linear Previous answer: 45 linear inches

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Linear inch is a fantasy word from the airlines. It means: X linear inches = length + width + depth (measured in inches). Inches are still inches. A 62 "linear inch" bag could measure 60" by 1" by 1" or 21" by 21" by 20" or any other set of dimensions that add up to 62.

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If you know the height, you can calculate that. Linear inch is a fantasy word from the airliners. It means: X linear inches = length + width + depth (measured in inches).

How many inches are in 45 linear inches?

45. The inch is a linear measurement, so the adjective is unnecessary.

What is the number representing the linear dimension of an object is referred to as?

Length (breadth, width or height are also used).Length (breadth, width or height are also used).Length (breadth, width or height are also used).Length (breadth, width or height are also used).

What length width and height is 51 linear inches?

Linear inch is a fantasy word from the airliners. It means: X linear inches = length + width + depth (measured in inches). Inches are still inches. 51 "linear inches" could be a package 49" X 1" X 1" or 17" X 17" X 17" or any other combination that adds up to 51.

How do you convert length times width times height to cubic inches?

length times width times height returns an answer in square inches, provided length, width and height are in inches. Example: 2(inches)*3(inches)*1(inches)=6(inches)*(inches)*(inches) =6(inches)^3=6 cubic inches

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A solid shape which has a length of 10 inches, a width of 7 width inches and a height of 2 inches. It could be a cuboid or an ellipsoid or some other shape.

How do you calculate 62 linear inches?

You add (in inches) the length, plus the width, plus the height of the object which together equals 62 LINEAR inches If it's a suitcase, for example, it COULD be 36 inches long, 16 inches wide, and then would be 10 inches high You can take any numbers that total 62 inches but doesn't exceed that for luggage guidelines. Linear inch is a fantasy word from the airliners. It means: X linear inches = length + width + depth (measured in inches). Inches are still inches.