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Q: What line is not horizontal or vertical?
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What is a vertical and horizontal line?

A vertical line goes North And South and a horizontal line goes East And West.

What is a line perpendicular to the vertical?

A horizontal line is a line perpendicular to the vertical.

What line is perpendicular to a vertical line?

A horizontal line is perpendicular to a vertical line.

What coordinate plane is formed by the intersection of a vertical and a horizontal number line. What is the vertical number line called?

The coordinate plane is formed by the intersection of a vertical and a horizontal number line. What is the horizontal number line called?

If the slope of a line is 0 is the line horizontal or vertical?

if the slope is 0, the line is horizontal.

What are vertical horizontal and diagonal lines?

a...................b . . . . . c...................d a to c = vertical line a to b = horizontal line a to d = diagonal line

What is the symbol for diode?

The symbol for a diode is a horizontal line with an arrow pointing to an intersecting vertical line, the horizontal line continues on the other side of the vertical line.

What is the bi sector of a segment?

The bisector of a segment is a line that cuts the segment into exact half. For example, if the vertical line bisects the horizontal line in " T ", the vertical line cuts touches the horizontal line at the midpoint of the horizontal line

What is a horizontal line of a line graph called?

abscissa is horizontal and ordinate is vertical one

Is a vertical line parallel to the horizon?

No, the horizon is horizontal. A vertical line is perpendicular to the horizon.

Slope of a vertical line?

The slope of a vertical line is undefined. Horizontal slope is 0.

Which has a greater slope a horizontal or vertical line?

Vertical. Te horizontal like has zero slope ( no slope) and the vertical line has infinite (very very high) slope