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Q: What line of symmetry is the pepsi logo?
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Related questions

What logo did the 2003 Pepsi Logo come from?

It came from the 2002 Diet Pepsi Logo.

What logo's have only one line of symmetry?

if you search 'symmetrical logos' it will come up with loads of logos with one and more lines of symmetry. Most symmettrical logos only have one line of symmetry as it is easier to make a distinct picture with only one. You don't need an apostrophe before the 's'. It's just 'logos' not 'logo's'.

What logo has thumbs up?


What would a z have for a line of symmentry?

z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry.

What is the difference between line symmetry and line of symmetry?

A symmetrical shape is said to have line symmetry. A shape that has line symmetry can have one or more lines of symmetry

Is a smiley face a line symmetry or rotational symmetry?

Line symmetry.

What makes a line of symmetry?

what makes a line of symmetry is that it has to be shared equel.That is what makes a line of symmetry.

What is the mean of pepsi?

Originally Pep-Cola, PEP from Peptic as it was meant to cure stomach ache.With time Pepsy or Pepsi sounded more pleasing.PayEachPennySaveIsraelPEPSII think, you should just reverse the logo, you can see this:the logo is some how like yin yang symbol, pepsi shown up: IS i think the logo of pepsi means:yin yang is ded!

Does z have rotational symmetry but no line symmetry?

The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry

What company logo is a red P?

pepsi :P

Why did Pepsi change their logo?

Marketing Department decision.

Does a have a line of symmetry?

Lower case A doesn't have a line of symmetry. Upper case A has a vertical line of symmetry.