I have revised this answer. This question is harder than it looks!
The numbers 69, 6009 or 98886, for example, would have rotational symmetry (looks the same when rotated by 180 degrees) but not reflection symmetry.
So I think the answer is going to be something like:
A number which consists of the digits 6 and 9 plus or minus the digits 0 & 8 AND has the digits in the necessary order to maintain rotational symmetry.
There is reflective symmetry about each of the diagonals as well as rotational symmetry or order 2.
The answer depends of the font.In broad terms, in the upper case letters:F, G, J, L, P, Q and R.The others have reflective (or line) symmetry, or they have rotational symmetry, or both.
Line or reflective symmetry is really a special case of rotational symmetry but from a different viewpoint. In line symmetry imagine a line going north to south on the page. If you rotate an image out of the page around that line through 180 degrees you get a reflection. For rotational symmetry imagine that same line being perpendicular to the page so that you see it as a dot. The image is then rotated around that dot.
A trapezium does not have rotational symmetry.
The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry
it has both reflective and rotational symmetry
There is reflective symmetry about each of the diagonals as well as rotational symmetry or order 2.
Rhombus has an 180 degree rotational symmetry, but no reflectional symmetry. Ps. i roll for my black men
How about an isosceles trapezoid
A regular hexagon has 6 rotational symmetries (rotational symmetry of order six) and 6 reflective symmetries (six lines of symmetry).
No. Objects can have reflective symmetry but no rotational symmetry.
A lower-case 'h' has rotational symmetry. An upper-case 'H' also has reflective symmetry.
Depending on the font, they are N, S and Z.
Four - Two reflective, and two rotational about the diagonals.
M w h
The answer depends on the quadrilateral. Some have rotational symmetry or reflective symmetry and it is not possible to distinguish between these and translations.