looks like a sphere...with every side you add it becomes more spherical.... in other words..it looks like the sun.
We get the idea that an "irregular sphere" is not a sphere. At that point, we knowexactly what it isn't, but not much yet about what it is. So you have to reveal a lotmore about it before anyone can calculate its volume. Like, for example, less infoabout what the object is not like, and more definition of its actual shape.
In two dimensionscircles look like spheres. Any uniform polyhedron with a large number of sides looks something like a sphere.A sphere is a special case of an ellipsoid (where the three axes are equal), so ellipsoids can look like spheres. Another special case of ellipsoids is called a spheroid (where two axes are the same).
A sphere.
The energy level that looks like a sphere is the lowest level.
A cylinder looks like a piece of pipe. A sphere looks like a ball.
It looks like a ball.
It looks like a ball.
It is a sphere shape with pentagons marked on it.
you cant but you can build something that looks like a sphere
A sphere looks like a ball
A solid sphere appears as a three-dimensional object with a perfectly round and continuous surface. It has no flat or jagged edges, only smooth and curved features. It looks like a ball or a globe.
a sphere