Oh, dude, objects that look like the letter "d"? Well, you've got your donuts, your door handles, and hey, even a well-placed banana if you squint hard enough. But like, who's really out here looking for things that resemble letters in everyday objects? You do you, I guess.
A object that looks like an parallelogram is a earser , or even ahouse roof.
your mums head look properly
it's shapes that are 3-d like they look like real objects who have realistic figures as in real life
Ectoplasm looks like spawns cape from the movie spawn to best describe it, its dark like crude oil and it flies through the air passing through solid objects.
Oh, dude, objects that look like the letter "d"? Well, you've got your donuts, your door handles, and hey, even a well-placed banana if you squint hard enough. But like, who's really out here looking for things that resemble letters in everyday objects? You do you, I guess.
A stop sign
kidney beans or kidneys
Objects that look like a cylinder include a pencil, a soda can, a drinking glass, a pill bottle, and a roll of paper towels.
A honeycomb looks like a hexagon. Its really hard to find objects that look like a hexagon though.I hope you find more Thx ;]
When you look like certain objects around you. Like a marshmallow in snow.
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Objects starting with A are:abaloneacornagateairplanealoealtimeteraluminumamberamplifierampuleamuletanchoranchovyangel cakeangleanvilappleapricotapronarkarmchairarrowartichokeashasparagusaspidistraasterasteroidaugerautomobile