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A hexagon has six sides and six angles.

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Q: What plane figure has six sides and six angles?
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Which shape have 6 equal angles?

a plane figure having six sides is a hexagon

What is a six sided figure called?

If the sides are all equal, and opposite sides are parallel, then the angles are all equal (72º) and it is a 'regular hexagon'. A six sided plane figure is called a hexagon, as "hex" means "six."

What is a plane with 6 sides and 6 angles?

A plane with six sides and angles is called a hexagon.

A hexagon has 6 angles How many sides does it have?

Six. It is a six sided figure.

What is a regular hexagon with sides of length s?

It is a plane six-sided figure, each of whose sides is of length s units and each of whose interior angles is 120 degrees.

What does a pentagon have in common with a hexagon?

Both are polygons; plane figures with multiple sides, the pentagon having five angles and five sides; the hexagon having six angles and six sides.

A plain figure with six sides?

I guess it is a dice or what else is it supposed to be? A hexagon is a plane figure with 6 sides.

What shape has six sides and 6 angles?

A six sided geometrical figure is called a hexagon.

A polygon with ten sides and six angles is a what?

An impossible figure in two dimensional space. A Dacagon has ten sides and must have ten angles.

What names are given to six sided shape?

A plane figure (a 2-dimensional shape) with six sides is a hexagon. A solid figure (a 3-dimensional shape) with six sides is usually a cuboid

What is the definition of hexagon?

A hexagon is any polygon (closed figure with straight sides) with six (6) sides and angles.

A figure with six sides?

what is a figure with six sides