United Kingdom has the most people per square mile than any other major country in Europe. It's 395 people per sq. km. OR 1,023 people per sq. mile.
Malta is even denser, but is small with 400,000 people.
Hawaii's population density is 214 people per square mile.
population density
A square mile is an area measurement, not a specific shape. They could be just about anything, as long as they multiply together to make one square mile. 1 mile by 1 mile is a square mile. Two miles by half a mile is a square mile. 1 foot by 5280 miles is a square mile. This means that 8 square miles can be 2 miles by 4 miles or 1 mile by 8 miles.
There are 640 acres in 1 square mile. So (1/2 mile)*(1/4 mile) = 1/8 square mile, or:(1/8 square mile)*(640 acre/square mile) = 80 acres
There are 2,589,988.11 square meters in 1 square mile
As of 2021, Oregon has a population density of about 44 people per square mile. This can vary depending on the specific region within the state.
Asia is the continent with the most people per square mile at 203. The second most densely populated continent is Europe at 134 people per square mile.
i dont know go ask john smith he might know i dont know go ask john smith he might know
This would be the population density of the area, indicating that there are 26.8 people living within one square mile of that region. It is a measure of how crowded or sparsely populated the area is.
57 people per square mile.
5,751 persons per square kilometer (2005)
16,800 people per square mile
As of 2021, the population density of Wisconsin is about 108 people per square mile. This can vary depending on the specific region within the state.
big cities in the west are home to about 1oo-260 ppl per square mile and just in normal towns it is 10-25 ppl per square mile
The population density of Algeria is about 17 people per square kilometer, which is equivalent to approximately 44 people per square mile.
Egypt, with 200.45 people per square mile.