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The graph will have a formula such as y=x2+3x+2

This can be factorised in this example to y=(x+1)(x+2).

The zeroes of the graph are really the points which satisfy the simultaneous equations y=0 (a line) and y=(x+1)(x+2). Both of these are equal to y, so put them equal to each other: (x+1)(x+2)=0

This has only one variable, x, so we can find its values.

It is clear that if either x+1=0 or x+2=0 the whole expression will be equal to zero, as the bit that is zero will multiply the other bit by zero, so the whole thing is zero. Solve each of those two individually to get x=-1 and x=-2. These are the zeroes of the graph. Read it carefully. Many high school mathematics students were bored to bring you this information (I was bored at this stage but found it got much more interesting later).

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Q: What relationship exists between the zeros of the graph and the factored form of a quadratic equation?
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What mathematical relationship between variables is suggested by a graph showing a half-parabola?

inverse linear or quadratic

What is the relationship between the y-intercept of the line and the equation?

It is the value of the equation y = f(x) when x = 0.

What is a statement that describes a fundamental relationship between the basic terms of geometry?

an equation

What is the equation that show the relationship between coordinates of points on a line called?

It is a straight line equation in the form of y = mx+c whereas m is the slope and c is the y intercept

What is the surface area of a rectangular prism that has these dimensions?

You want to fence in a rectangular area, but first you must determine the dimensions of the area. 1. Different pets need to have different areas. For example, a horse needs more space than a dog. Determine an area that is appropriate for your pet. 2. Define the shape of the rectangular area by establishing a relationship between the length and width of the rectangle. For example, L = 2W + 5, or W = 3L - 4. Be sure to include the appropriate units (inches, feet, yards, miles, or meters). 3. Using the fact that A = LW, together with the relationship defined in step 2, eliminate one of the variables to set up a quadratic equation. 4. Solve the quadratic equation using any of the techniques learned in this unit. The solution(s) will be one of the dimensions; use step 2 to find the other. 5. Now determine the perimeter so that you will know how much fencing to buy.

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Pros: There are many real life situations in which the relationship between two variables is quadratic rather than linear. So to solve these situations quadratic equations are necessary. There is a simple equation to solve any quadratic equation. Cons: Pupils who are still studying basic mathematics will not be told how to solve quadratic equations in some circumstances - when the solutions lie in the Complex field.

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The Quadratic Formula song: (my grade saver) To the tune of the jack in the box song X equals negative B plus or minus square root of B squared minus 4AC all over 2A :)