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A frustum of a cone, or a sphere sliced by two planes are a couple of examples.

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Q: What shape has 2 edges no vertices and no right angles?
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What shape has 8 edges and no right angles not 3d?


What shape has more than 6 vertices and no right angles?

lots of shapes are like that! any shape with smooth edges can have no right angles if you rearange the sides and their lengths. a hexagon is any shape with six sides, so it can have almost any angle in it. same with octagon and eight. in fact, shape names are just categories.

What 3D shape has most vertices and edges?

There is no limit to the number of vertices nor edges.

What shape has 0faces 0 edges 0 vertices?

A sphere has no faces, edges, or vertices.

What shape has 2 congruent bases five faces six vertices and nine edges?

Triangular prism. 9 faces, six vertices, and nine edges right?

What shape has 8 straight edges no right angles?

A regular octagon.

What shape has 4 vertices and 6 edges?

The shape of a triangular based pyramid has 4 vertices, 6 edges and 4 faces

What is a shape with 4 sides 4 vertices and exactly 2 right angles?


How many vertices does a stAR HAVE?

A star is not a specific shape: it is a generic word for a shape which has an even number of vertices. The interior angles at alternate vertices are usually reflex angles. A star can have six or more vertices.

What does vertices of a shape mean?

Vertices = Corners

How do you find out how many angles are in a shape?

You can find out how many angles are in a shape by counting how many edges a shape has. for instance.. a square has 4 edges so it has 4 angles

What shape has 4 vertical edges?

Some shapes that have 4 edges and 4 vertices are squares, rectangles, and parallelograms. A shape with 4 edges and 4 vertices is called a quadrilaterals.