a hexagon
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or any one of infinitely many polygons with 5 or more sides; any one of an infinite number of polyhedra with more than 4 faces, as well as other shapes that do not fit into these classifications: for example, a closed plane shape with five curved sides which meet pairwise.
2 sides, 2 corners. (:
There is no such shape. If it has two sides meeting, it also has to have a corner. A triangle has three sides and three corners, and a square has four sides and four corners. There is nothing in between.
a pentagon
That would be a square :D
The number of corners (or vertices) of a pyramid depends upon the shape of the base of the pyramid; a pyramid has one more corner than the number of sides in the base, eg a triangular based pyramid (also known as a tetrahedron) has 3 + 1 = 4 corners, a square based pyramid has 4 + 1 = 5 corners. A cone has 1 corner (at the top, or apex). So together a pyramid and cone have 2 more corners than number of sides of the shape of the base of the pyramid.
A square or quadrilateral.
A triagular based pyramid has 4 corners, 6 edges and 4 faces
A triagular based pyramid has 4 corners, 6 edges and 4 faces
A triangular pyramid has 4 corners and 6 edges (and 4 faces).
Rectangle with round corners
a quadrilateral
a square of course
A tetrahedron; a shape made of four triangles.