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Q: What shape has two pentagons and five rectangle?
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What are all the shapes that make up the faces of a pentagonal prism?

Two pentagons and five parallelograms.The parallelograms will be rectangles if the shape is a right pentagonal prism.Two pentagons and five parallelograms.The parallelograms will be rectangles if the shape is a right pentagonal prism.Two pentagons and five parallelograms.The parallelograms will be rectangles if the shape is a right pentagonal prism.Two pentagons and five parallelograms.The parallelograms will be rectangles if the shape is a right pentagonal prism.

What is the face of a pentagonal prism?

Two pentagons and five rectangles.

What is a 3d shape with two pentagons?

A dodecahedron is a three-dimensional shape with 12 pentagonal sides.

What has seven faces and all but two are rectangles?

A pentangonal prism has five rectangle faces and two pentangon shape sides.

What shape can you create when you join two squares?


What shape can you create when you join two squares and a rectangle?

a rectangle

How would you cut a 24cm rectangle into five pieces?

A rectangle is a two dimensional shape - only one dimension is given in the question and so it is impossible to give a sensible answer.

Two congruent pentagons for bases and five rectangular faces?

pentagonal prism

How many rectangles and Pentagon's are in a pentagonal prism?

There are two pentagons and five rectangles.

What shapes make up the net of a pentagonal prism?

Two pentagons and five rectangles.

What is a four sided shape with sides that are parallel?

A rectangle is a shape that has four sides with two parallel lines.

What is a pentagonal heptahedron?

A pentagonal heptahedron is a heptahedron comprising two pentagons which are joined to one another by five quadrilaterals. There is no requirement for the pentagons to be congruent nor for them to be parallel to one another.