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Q: What shape is formed using 5 congruent triangles and has 5 vertices 5 angles 5 sides?
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Why do complementary angles of launch result in the same projectile range?

It is a case of Trigonometry/Geometry. The two triangles formed by the angles and sides of artillery aiming are "Similar" (not congruent) since two angles and a side (base) are Similar. Because the Range of the projectile is 2x the base (which is congruent) of the triangles, the range MUST be the same.

What are four attributes of a rhombus?

1. Opposite angles congruent 2. All sides are congruent 3. The diagonals are perpendicular bisectors of each other 4. Diagonals bisect the angles NOTE: Four congruent right triangles are formed with the right angles It has all of the properties of a parallelogram and a kite

What 2 triangles are formed when split a parallelogram in half?

Two congruent triangles.

What figure is formed when you put two congruent triangles together?

Figure that are congruent are shapes are the same size and shape. So when two formed congruent triangles are both together they fit just right.

What kind of angles are pairs of opposite and congruent angles formed by intersecting lines?

Angles that are pairs of opposite and congruent lines formed by intersecting lines are intersections

Which types of angles are always congruent?

vertical angles are always congruent...they are two nonadjacent angles formed by intersecting lines. Vertical angles are congruent..or equal in measure

What quadirlateral is formed by 2 right scalene triangles?

If the triangles are congruent and you match the hypotenera the right way, you can get a rectangle. If the triangles are not congruent, you can't even necessarily get a quadrilateral.

What is the ratio of the height to the sides of a pentagon?

If the pentagon is a regular pentagon, then each of the central angles (formed by joinning the center with the vertices) is72⁰ (1/5 of 360⁰). So that 5 congruent isosceles triangle are formed, with base angles of 54⁰. If we draw the height, of these triangles (from the center to the sides of the pentagon), 10 congruent right triangles are formed. Let denote with: b the sides of the pentagon, and h the height. In one of the right triangles we have: tan 54⁰ = h/(b/2) tan 54⁰ = 2h/b 1.38 = 2h/b 2h = 1.38b h = (1.38/2)b h = .69b So that, h/b = .69b/b = .69