The question contradicts itself. A dodecagon need not have any perpendicular sides.
An irregular hexagon.
A`isoseles duhhh
[object Object]
Yes it does. Do you even know what perpendicular means? It means that two sides can keep going but never touch. If you look at a prism depending on what prism it is it should have at least one pair of perpendicular sides.
The first geometric shape that comes to mind with no perpendicular sides is a triangle.
Any shape, other than a triangle can have a pair of perpendicular sides.
There are infinitely many possible answers. For example, any regular polygon with an even number of sides.
The question contradicts itself. A dodecagon need not have any perpendicular sides.
shape no pairs of perpendicular sides
A square
I suppose. All of a square's sides are perpendicular.
No but its diagonals are perpendicular
No not normally
A right angle has one pair of perpendicular sides.
Any polygon with four or more sides can have a pair of parallel sides. It is also possible to to have non-polygonal shapes - eg a cigar-shape - that has parallel sides.
The sides perpendicular to each other are at right angles (90 degrees, or square) to each other. An example of a figure with two pair of perpendicular sides is the rectangle.