your mums head look properly
There are so many things which are shaped like a pyramid. Some of these things include the Pyramid Island in Nevada, earrings, cakes, hopscotch, chandeliers and so much more.
a dustbin like= ______________ \ / \ / \ / \ / '''''''''''''
5 sided shapes
A stop sign is shaped like a hexagon
Somtimes windows are shaped as hexagons. There is also alot of other things like 6 triangles, two rhombuses things like that.
I think its called a cone
4 of them.
your mums head look properly
i think that there are no such things as mountain shaped tornadoes.
A hexagon is a polygon that has six edges and six vertices. Some of the objects at home that are shaped like a hexagon are a Allen wrench, bolts, and a checker board.
Maybe its just like that but not all footballs are with hexagons EG=jabulani
There are a great many things in the world that can be shaped like a hexagon. Stop signs can for example.