It is a protractor that measures angles.
A caliper.
The semi-circle ruler is commonly known as a protractor. A protractor is a geometric tool used to measure and draw angles. It typically has a half-circle shape with degree markings along the curved edge.
A tape measurer can be used to measure distance in linear or even around curved surfaces. It is an old tool that has a neat history. See the related link for more information.
A caliper or a micrometer is typically used to measure curved lines in a laboratory setting. These instruments provide precise measurements of the length or diameter of curved objects such as tubes or spherical surfaces.
A chamfer is a beveled edge that joins two surfaces. The tool used to measure a chamfer would be a caliper.
a hammer
Angle finder tools are typically used to measure the angle between two surfaces or the slope of a surface. To use one, place the tool between the two surfaces you want to measure and adjust it until it aligns with the angle. You can then read the angle measurement displayed on the tool's scale.
Why weather tool is used to measure wind direction
Two instruments that could be used to measure curved lines are a flexible ruler and a caliper. A flexible ruler, also known as a contour gauge, can be molded to the shape of the curved line to measure its length accurately. A caliper, specifically a vernier caliper, can be used to measure the diameter or thickness of a curved object by gently gripping and measuring across the curve.
a milling machine is used to mill holes and also to smothern surfaces and do curved cuts
A graduated cylinder, measuring cup, or beaker can be used to measure liquid volume accurately. It is important to use the correct measuring tool and ensure the meniscus (the curved surface of the liquid) is at the correct measurement line for accuracy.
An adze is a cutting tool with a curved blade set at a right angle to the handle, and used in shaping wood.
A Pareto chart is the tool used in the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) measure phase.
A Pareto chart is the tool used in the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) measure phase.