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Almost any angle can work. The angles you pick will establish the viewpoint. A viewpoint from a 5 year old kid will look different than a six foot man. Changing the angles are how you change the perspective. You could calculate exactly what angles you want by using a little bit of basic geometry. You will need the distance from the object, size of the target object, and height of the viewpoint. Then you can draw out a diagram and solve for the unknown angles.

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Q: What two angles are required when drawing an isometric drawing?
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What is an isometric sketch?

An isometric thumbnail sketch is a drawing based on the isometric axis. It is commonly used in engineering. It is also known as a two-point sketch.

What is an isometric thumbnail sketch?

An isometric thumbnail sketch is a drawing based on the isometric axis. It is commonly used in engineering. It is also known as a two-point sketch.

What is the difference between two-dimensional sketch and an isometric sketch?

An isometric is more specific

What is the difference between isometric and oblique drawing?

1.)Oblique sketch has a more focus on the front side of an object or the face while isometric sketch focuses on the edge of an object. 2.)Oblique sketch drawn usually using the 45-degrees angle to render the third dimensions while isometric sketch drawn using 30 degrees angles.

What are the different types of pictorial drawing?

The different types of pictorial drawing include isometric, oblique, and perspective drawings. Isometric drawings show all three dimensions of an object in a single view with lines parallel to the three major axes. Oblique drawings represent objects in 3D by showing one face in true scale and the other two faces at an angle. Perspective drawings create the illusion of depth and distance by using vanishing points and converging lines.

What is an isometric?

A form of three-dimensional projection in which all of the principal planes are drawn parallel to corresponding established axes and at true dimensions; horizontals usually are drawn at 30° from the normal horizontal axes; verticals remain parallel to the normal vertical axis.

What is isometric exploded views?

Answer Isometric view is a drawing where the axis is rotated so that all three are seen at once. Usually a mechanical drawing will show a true view of two axis as seen from the 3rd axis. The dimensions in the isometric view are not true lenghts since the object is shown in perspective angle. An exploded view is where the individual pieces of the assembly is shown sperate from the other. Isometric exploded views are typical method to show parts for an Illustrated Parts Catalog.

What divides an angle into two equal angles?

It is to bisect the angle into two equal angles.

Is a isometric projection used for developing a multiview drawing?

No, a multiview projection is used for developing a multiview drawing. Multiview projections are orthographic projection where the object is behind the plane of projection, and is oriented such that only two of its dimensions are shown.

Will drawing an angle bisector always result in two acute angles?

Not if you bisect a reflex angle.