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a scalawags

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Q: What were white southerners who sided with the republicans called?
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What were white southerners who were willing to cooperate with the republicans called?


Which were the white southerners who cooperated with the republicans during reconstruction?


Democrats called those white southerners who joined the Republican party Scalawags?

Yes. Scalawag was the name used by Southern Democrats for white Southern Republicans who worked in Reconstruction governments.

What is the name given to the southerners who supported the republicans?

Northern white Republicans were called â??carpetbaggers", which refers to a traveler who arrives in a new region with a carpetbag of possessions, and who attempts to profit from or gain control over his new surroundings, often against the will or consent of the original inhabitants. Southern white Republicans were called â??scalawagsâ??, and were viewed as traitors to the South.

What groups of the south supported the Republican Party?

Scalawags. White Southerners supporting the Republicans.

White southerners who cooperated with Radical Reconstruction governments were called?

White southerners who cooperated with radical recontruction were called "scalawags". I'm sorry they are not called radicals.

Who was a leader of the radical republicans who wanted economic justice for both African Americans and poor white southerners?

thaddeus stevens

What is a term used by conservative white southerners to describe northern whites who migrated to the south?

Carpetbaggers (it was a type of soft sided luggage)

What are white southerners in the Republican Party called?

White Anglo-Saxon Protestants - WASPS

During Reconstruction their opponents called Southern white Republicans?


Who were scalawags and the carpetbaggers?

Scalawags were southerners who helped during Reconstruction and carpetbaggers were northerners who went south to help with Reconstruction. a helpful hint to remember which is which is to remember that scalawags and southerners both start with 's'.

What did many white southerners do to try and stop the movements?

what did many white southerners do to try and stop the movement