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Q: When a country doesn't take sides it is said to be?
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When a country does not take sides?


What clothing should you take to Czechoslovakia?

none, as this country doesnt exist anymore

Which country has chose not to take sides during wars?


To prevent a country from taking sides in a mainland European war?

A country that does not want to take sides in a mainland European way would have to have reason to not take sides. Remaining neutral is incredibly difficult if interests are going to be affected by a way.

When a country doesn't take side it is said to be?


What kind of country does not take sides in a international conflict?

Neutral contries.

When a country does not get involved or take a side in a war it is said to be?


What is it called when a country does not take sides in the World War 1?

I dont konow

Why if a country doesnt' have a flag they can't take over another country?

thy need to put there flag up to claim a victory over there enemy

Who said a Statement that the US would not take sides with any European nations who were at war?

neutrality prolamation

What stated that the US would not take sides with any European country at war?

neutrality proclamation

What do you call a contry that does ot take sides in a war?

That is a 'neutral' country. - typical examples are Switzerland and Sweden.