it was when the eyptions got atttack by there enemy was when they found it out so it is sir comes alot
Egyptians and Mesopotamians and babylonians
The Hindus created PI
First we have to find the radius: pi*radius2 = 400*pi square meters Divide both sides by pi and then square root both sides: radius = 20 meters 2*pi*radius or pi*diameter = circumference 2*pi*20 = 40*pi meters
The first written evidence that has been found of people finding the value of pi is in an Egyptian papyrus and Babylonian tablets about 1900 BC, however, some historians believe that the ratio of the perimeter to height of pyramids built in Egypt as early as 2613 - 2589 BC suggests that Egyptians already had made approximations of the value of pi at that time.
To find a number in Pi, see the link below
The first to find the value in pi were the Babylonians and Egyptians.
hnheb a4ety4b
The Egyptians in 2000 b.c.
Egyptians and Mesopotamians and babylonians
people use pi to find the circumference of a circle.
Archimedes of Syracuse is said to be the first mathematician to make a systematic attempt to estimate pi in the third century BC.
The Hindus created PI
The ancient Babylonians from around 1700 BC used pi = 3.125. The name of the person who calculated that value was not recorded.
3.14159..... Thomas Jefferson he is a very smart person
It is March 14th which are the first 3 digits of pi as 3.14
the Babylonians were the first -haley