complementary angles are two angles that have a sum of 90*.
example. 30* + 60* = 90* that would be a complementary.
Complementary angles are two angles that add up to exactly 90 degrees.
two angles whose sum is 90 degrees is a complementary angle.
Two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 90 degrees.Two angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 180 degrees.
Consecutive angles in a parallelogram will not be complementary. Complementary would mean the angles would add up to 90 degrees. Consecutive angles add up to 180 degrees, meaning they are supplementary.
No only two angles can be complementary
We were to measure the complementary angles in the drawing.I found the complementary angles to be of equal lengths.
There is an infinite number of complementary angles. Complementary angles are all angles that add up to 90 degrees, such as two 45 degree angles.
Are complementary angles alwys adjacent?
Yes. Complementary angles are angles that add up to 900 .
Complementary Angles add up to 90°.Two 45 degree angles are complementary and congruent.This means the answer is yes!
complementary angles are 2 angles that add to 90 supplementary are 2 angles that add to 180
No, complementary angles aren't normally congruent.
Complementary angles add up to 90 degrees.
OK, from what I learned is Complementary angles have 2 angles and have a 90° angle. And 0 and 90° are complementary angles. Um, that's all I know.
Not necessarily. The only time complementary angles are congruent is when they are both 45o. Complementary means the angles add up to be 90o.
Complementary angles are two angles that add up to exactly 90 degrees.