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Any polygon with four or more sides can have perpendicular and parallel lines.

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Q: Which figure contains perpendicular lines and parallel lines?
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Does perpendicular have parallel lines?

= parallel + perpendicular As such no, perpendicular lines do not naturally have parallel lines. However...connect the lines in the symbols below. ++ ++ And you'll have 4 perpendicular lines, and 4 parallel lines.

What do we called a figure formed by 2 straight lines?

Perpendicular lines or parallel lines are two examples

Does an isosceles trapezium have any perpendicular lines?

In its normal orientation the parallel sides of a trapezium are horizontal. In that case it will have no perpendicular lines. But turn the figure through 90 degrees and it has two!In its normal orientation the parallel sides of a trapezium are horizontal. In that case it will have no perpendicular lines. But turn the figure through 90 degrees and it has two!In its normal orientation the parallel sides of a trapezium are horizontal. In that case it will have no perpendicular lines. But turn the figure through 90 degrees and it has two!In its normal orientation the parallel sides of a trapezium are horizontal. In that case it will have no perpendicular lines. But turn the figure through 90 degrees and it has two!

What is Perpendicular and Parallel?

Perpendicular is when two lines cross... Parallel is when two lines never meet.... _____________ _____________ = PARALLEL LINES If they cross they are perpendicular, if they don't, they are parallel.

Which shape has parallel lines but no perpendicular lines?

A rhombus has parallel lines but no perpendicular lines.

What line passes through 2 parallel lines?

Any line that is not parallel to the given lines. The transversal that contains the shortest distance between the two parallel lines, is perpendicular to them.

What shapes have perpendicular lines and no parallel lines?

Right triangles have a set of perpendicular lines and no parallel lines.

CAN Perpendicular lines can be parallel?

No, perpendicular lines intersect eachother at 90 degree angles. Parallel lines never intersect. So perpendicular lines will never be parallel.

Does an equilateral have parallel lines or perpendicular lines?


Does a rectangle have perpendicular lines and parallel lines?


Does a rhombus have perpendicular lines and parallel lines?

Perpendicular: No Parallel: Yes, two pairs.