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Q: Which is a weakness of the equal area projection?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Mercator projection and of an equal area projection?


What is the advantage of an equal-area projection?

do be so ambiguous.

In mapping what is the difference between mercator projection and an equal area projection?

Mercator projection distorts the size of land masses, resulting in high distortion near the poles. Equal area projections maintain accurate land area proportions, making them useful for representing data like population density.

What map projection is an elliptical equal-area projection that distorts shapes near the edges?

The Goode's Homolosine projection is an elliptical equal-area projection that distorts shapes near the edges, particularly along the discontinuities where the graticule transitions between different projections. It aims to minimize distortion of size and shape while maintaining an equal-area property.

What is an Eckert IV projection?

The Eckert IV projection is a pseudocylindrical map projection used to represent the entire Earth's surface. It is equal-area, meaning that it preserves the relative size of land masses. The projection is known for its aesthetically pleasing oval shape and is often used for world maps.

What kind of map projection would you use to show the size of various land masses?

Equal-Area projection

Which map is an equal area projection where latitudes are represented by parallel lines but longitudes are represented by ellipses?

The map you are referring to is likely the Mollweide projection. It is an equal-area projection that represents latitudes as straight parallel lines and longitudes as elliptical arcs. This projection aims to minimize distortion in terms of area, but distorts shapes and distances.

Why do many geographs prefer the Robinson projection?

it is an equal-area map

What projection map shows size of various land masses?

The equal-area projection shows size of various land masses.

What is the advantage of an equal area projection?

do be so ambiguous.

What is the name of a map of the globe which is made by so that the scale is the same in any direction at any point?

A map projection drawn in such a way that an area on the map is proportional to the area on the globe is called an equal-area projection map.

Is north always straight on the eckert projection?

No, on the Eckert projection, north is not always represented as being straight. The Eckert projection is an equal-area map projection that distorts shape and direction in order to preserve area. This means that while areas are accurate, angles and shapes are distorted, including the direction of north.