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It's Figure A

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Q: Which of the diagrams below represents the contrapositive of the statement If it is a triangle then it has three vertices?
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What is the contrapositive of the statement if it is an equilateral triangle then it is an isosceles triangle?

The contrapositive would be: If it is not an isosceles triangle then it is not an equilateral triangle.

Which of the diagrams below represents the statement If it is an triangle then it has three vertices?

Figure A three vertices-> triangle

What is the contrapositive of if a figure has three sides it is a triangle?

If a figure is not a triangle then it does not have three sides ,is the contrapositive of the statement given in the question.

What would a diagram look like that represents the statement If it is a triangle then it has three vertices?

Figure A

What would a diagram look like that represents the statement If it is an equilateral triangle then it is isosceles?

Figure B. equilateral triangle (small circle) inside of isosceles triangle (big cirlce)

What would a diagram look like that represents the statement If it's an equilateral triangle then it is isosceles?

Then it would be a false statement because an isosceles and an equilateral triangle have different geometrical properties as in regards to the lengths of their sides.

What is an inverse statement of if a triangle is an equilateral triangle?

"if a triangle is an equilateral triangle" is a conditional clause, it is not a statement. There cannot be an inverse statement.

What is the statement if it is an equilateral triangle then it is isosceles?

A false statement

What symbol represents mountains?

it is triangle.

A parallelogram and a triangle are shown. Which statement is true?

the triangle has the greater perimeter

What is the inverse of the statement A triangle is an acute triangle if it has three acute angles?

The triangle is slanted to the right

What is the FALSE statement about a triangle?

False: A triangle will only tessellate if it's in the form of an equilateral triangle.