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Both are 4 sided quadrilaterals

Both have 2 diagonals

Both have 4 interior angle that add up to 360 degrees

Both have a perimeter which is the sum of their 4 sides

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Q: Which of these characteristics do a rhombus and a rectangle always have in common?
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What does a rhombus have in common with a rectangle?


What do a square a rectangle and a rhombus have in common?

all quadrolaterants

What does a rectangle and rhombus have in common?

all angles are right angles

What does a rhombus a kite and rectangle have in common?

They all have the square shape.

What do a rhombus and a rectangle have in common?

quadrilaterals with two pairs of parallel sides

What do a rhombus a parallelogram a square and a rectangle have in common?

they are both 3D. four sides

What characteristics does a square and rhombus have in common?

they both have 4 equal sides

What have a parallelagram and a Rhombus got in common?

They are both quadrilaterals. The both have interior angle of 360 degrees. A rhombus is to a skewed square as a parallelogram is to a skewed rectangle.

What does a rhombus and a rectangles always have in common?

all angles are right angles

What do a rhombus and a rectangle always have in common?

They are both 4 sided quadrilateral They both have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees They both will tessellate They both have a perimeter which is the sum of their 4 sides They both have two diagonals

What do a kite and a rhombus have in common?

Both the kite shape (lozenge) and rhombus are quadrilaterals. While a rhombus doesn't always have right-angles for the sides, same as the lozenge, each has 4 sides.

What chacteristics do a rhombus and a rectangle always have in common?

They are both 4 sided quadrilateral They both have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees They both will tessellate They both have a perimeter which is the sum of their 4 sides They both have two diagonals