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Q: Which one of Earth's spheres extends to all others?
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The sphere that extended into each other spheres is the?

All living things weather in the air or in the oceans, or on and beneath the land surface, make up the biospehere. THE BIOSPEHERE extends INTO each of the other spheres.

What is the chain of mountains that extends into all of earths oceans is called?

The ocean ridge.

What are the characteristics of each of earths four major spheres?

The four major spheres of the earth are thehydrosphere (made of water)lithosphere (made of rocks)atmosphere (made of gasses)biosphere(comprising all living things)

Almost all of the water vapor in earths atmosphere is contained in the?

Troposphere. This is the lowest section of the earths atmosphere that contains 75% of the earths atmosphere by mass and 99% of the earths water vapour. This section of the atmosphere starts at the surface and extends 7-20km up, the thickness depending largely on where you are in the world.

What two spheres cause erosion?

The two spheres that are responsible for erosion are the hydrosphere and the atmosphere. These spheres interact all of the time.

What 4 spheres overlaps with all of the other 3 spheres in an oceanic ecosystem?

The hydrosphere.

How does fishing effect earth's other sphere's?

Your question, minus those fancy shmancy apostrophes; How does fishing effect earth is other sphere is. That doesn't make sense does it? But for real....what? Well you see, all of the fish in the world are actually the earths workhorses for the rotation of all the spheres in the world(?) and at night they have to swim in circles around magnets in the earths crust to make the spheres move. So when you kill a fish you're making the world move a little slower and we are all going to freeze to death if the world stops. So always throw your fish back after you catch them.

Earths four major spheres?

Earth's four major spheres are the lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. The lithosphere contains all of the cold, hard solid land of the planet's crust The biosphere contains all the planet's living things. The atmosphere contains all of the air in the Earth system The hydrosphere contains all the solid, liquid, and gaseous water of the planet.

Alimetary tube extends from what?

It extends from the mouth all the way to the anus.

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How do the earths spheres interact?

they interact by matter like the cryosphere is the frozen part of the Earth,and the hydrosphere is all the water on Earth,and last but not least the atmosphere it is all the gases on Earth.And we have the biosphere that makes up from all the living things on Earth,and the Geosphere is the solid rock part of the Earth.

Are All diameters chords in a circle?

A diameter is a cord in a circle containing the center of the circle. But some circles are sections of spheres. Not all diameters are diameters of spheres.