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Q: Which polygon has eight sides?
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Does a polygon have eight sides?

No, a polygon has four sides, but and octagon has eight sides.

What is the polygon that has eight sides and eight angels?

An octagon is a polygon that has 8 sides and 8 interior angles

What does a polygon need in order to be a polygon?

Eight sides

What do you call a polygon with eight sides?

 An eight-sided polygon is called an octagon. 

What polygons have eight sides?

an octogon is the only polygon that has eight sides

Is an octagon a polygon?

Yes, an octagon is a polygon that has eight sides.

What polygon has eight sides?


What is a polygon with eight sides?


What has a polygon with eight sides?


What is a hexagon with eight sides?

a hexagon can NEVER have eight sides. A Polygon with eight side is an OCTOGON

How many sides is on a octagon?

an octagon from the Greek okto, eight, is a polygon that has eight sides

What shape has 8 sizes and is a polygon?

An octagon is a polygon with eight sides.