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cube because it has corners.

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Q: Which shape is easier to balance on a stick a cube or a sphere why?
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Which shape is easier to balance on a stick a cube or sphere?

A sphere.

Which shape is easier to balance on a stick a cube or a sphere?


Which is easier to balance on a stick a cube or a sphere?

A cube because when you blance a sphere it falls down but if you blance a cube it will be easir because a cube has for sides

What causes a water drop to form a sphere as it falls?

surface tension , water molecules trying to stick together will form the easiest shape a sphere

Why a person walking on a rope carries a long stick in his hands?

The long stick lower center of gravity and makes it easier to keep the balance.

How the shape of the walking stick helps the insect survive in its environment?

A walking stick gives balance and support for more efficient movement

How do you land perfectly in gymnastics?

the main way is just to learn how to control your tricks and practice, practice, practice. but an easier way to stick is to spread your leg's further apart and stick your arms straight out for balance.

Why liquids drops are spherical?

If the drop is small enough, it is a perfect sphere. A sphere is the geometrical shape thathas the smallest surface area for its volume. The drop takes this shape because watermolecules tend to stick to each other. So, when not confined by a container, and withnothing around it to distort its shape, a very tiny water drop is perfectly round like aball because the water molecules are pulling inward toward each other.

Why water drops are spherical?

If the drop is small enough, it is a perfect sphere. A sphere is the geometrical shape thathas the smallest surface area for its volume. The drop takes this shape because watermolecules tend to stick to each other. So, when not confined by a container, and withnothing around it to distort its shape, a very tiny water drop is perfectly round like aball because the water molecules are pulling inward toward each other.

What is the volume of a hockey stick?

dependes on the size and shape of your stick

Which every day object has two 3-D shapes?

A Tootsie-Pop has a cylinder (the stick) and a sphere (well pretty much a sphere).

What is the shape of a glue stick?

Like a short pencil without a point.