One term that is connection to the word 'walking' is strolling. Strolling is when you are out and leisurely walking.
I know if the set A , the closure of A is connected sure A also connected but the converse Iam not sure
They are connected by.......~ Having the word sphere in it.....~ All of them play a big role in our worlds environment~
A Connected Pyramids have 10 Faces, 12 Vertices, 20 Edges.
There is no such simply connected polyhedron.There is no such polyhedral shape.
The statement, "not every walking or working surface can be a potential fall hazard," is false.
The correct answer is ambulatory. (A+)
In research there is NO such thing as the term ''walking seal"
The word "stride" is often associated with walking. It refers to the manner or length of a person's steps while walking.
Another term commonly used in place of erect walking is bipedal walking. This means that the individual is walking on two legs.
To ambulate is the medical term for to walk.
not walking in the fruit of the spirit