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eIt depends on what you mean. The fourth dimension can mean time. It's quite obvious who discovered time... If you mean the fourth spatial dimension, then the reality is that nobody has discovered it. It's rather an abstract mathematical concept. There might be parallel universes that have four (or any other number, for that matter) of dimensions, but that's another story entirely.

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Q: Who discovered the fourth dimension?
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Are there other dimensioons?

It all depends what you mean by dimensions - for example in geometry a point is said to have zero dimension a figure having length, such as a line has one dimension a plane or surface has two dimensions a figure having volume has three dimensions the fourth dimension is said to be time any other dimension can not be represented visually but may be dealt with mathematically

What is dimensional realm?

a dimensional realm is a realm that holds a dimension. many different dimensions for different universes, or one dimension shared. realms->universes->galaxies->planets->stars->elements->cells->nuetrons->atoms this equation does not work for every kind of dimension there are infinite realms, dimensions, and posibilities. 1-D is a dot to us, but originally known as the first dimension. The first dimension was figured to be an oposing universe that copies ours and does the oposite. To us, this is 3-D, To brighter species of life or maybe "Creators" this is known as R-D R-D is "Real" defined as an order of atoms that make up what is to obey what is real. REAL is use of force, gravitation, strong and weak. To go passed this is inevitable and will cause rips in this realm, effecting all universes. As it happens, time will restart and repeat, when we get to the part where the elements were surpassed, another option will be chosen changing the course of time. If the wrong option is chosen, it will restart again, and again, etc. Which brings us to the fourth dimension, time will not repeat, but continue in infinite ways. You will live in a dimension where there are infinite versions of you and everyone else, which is hard to live by if you were not born in that dimension. 1-D to 2-D travel is possible, but unlikely, more than 99% of the microbes will vanish if so. same rules apply to our 3-D to 4-D, I sugest not bothering to unlock the fourth dimension unless you wish for your decendants to prosper this knowledge, cause you will most likely not exist, some may live deformed and if the elements are not applied, you may live eternally. Discovered by a 14 year old boy.

Has length no dimension no thickness?

Length IS a dimension (in space). It has no thickness.

What is a dimension line?

Lines that define the parameters of a dimension.Dimension lines are thin lines terminating in arrowheads. Place dimension lines no closer than 3/8" from the object outline. Parallel dimension lines should be a minimum of 1/4" apart. You may place parallel dimension lines more than 1/4" apart so long as the spacing between dimension lines is uniform throughout the drawing. Dimension lines are generally broken in the center of the line to provide a space for the dimension figure. Dimension figures for parallel dimension lines are staggered. In some structural or architectural drawings, you may find dimension figures placed above the dimension line.

How does the dimension of a prism change if the dimension of a prism is doubled?

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