Some facts about a sphere is, a sphere is round.
The correct answer is Sphere. All of these are geometric shapes, however only the sphere is a 3 dimensional one.
a sphere is called a sphere because , well , its just a other name for a ball such as the earth.
There are no corners to a sphere because a sphere should have no vertices.
Johannes de Sacro Bosco in the late 15th Century.
The philosopher wrote a comprehensive treatise on the nature of reality and existence.
the person who did this was ben Franklin I am trying to find the answers to this....and no the answer is not ben Franklin...sorry I agree it is not ben Franklin...good try though
Catherine Beecher
George Buchner in 1579 wrote De Jure regni spud scotos a political treatise for limiting monarchy
The professor wrote a comprehensive treatise on the history of economics.
Sage Charaka
john Locke
Hector Berlioz
A woman suffragist, Catharine Beecher.
French Philosophe Voltaire =)